Getting Started - Step 1 of 8
*State Registration filling fees apply

Limited Liability Corporation (LLC)

The Limited Liability Company (LLC) is a corporate structure in the United States, where owners are not personally liable for the company's debts or liabilities. Limited liability companies are hybrid companies that combine the characteristics of a company with those of a partnership or sole proprietorship.

While the limited liability function is similar to that of a company, the availability of flow rates to members of an LLC is a feature of partnerships.


Forming an LLC

Although the requirements for LLC may vary by state, there are generally some common points in all areas. The first thing that owners or members need to do is choose a name.

Once this is done, the organization's articles must be documented and archived in the state. These articles establish the rights, powers, duties, responsibilities and other obligations of each member of the LLC. Other information included in the documents includes the name and addresses of the members of the LLC, the name of the registered agent of the LLC and the declaration of intent of the company.

Organizational items must be accompanied by a tax paid directly to the state. Additional documentation and fees must also be presented at the federal level to obtain an employer identification number (EIN).